Business Intelligence Reporting for Data Driven Decision Making<!-- --> | <!-- -->Assume Wisely
Modern Values Based Leadership

From Business

When values are clear it creates trust. It creates a common ground you can build on. It builds the foundation of a relationship.

October 10, 2023

From Business

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Data is the new currency of business. When you invest in a data warehouse you need to fill it. ELT tools help you do that. These tools leverage automation. Use them.

July 21, 2023

From Business

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The struggle is making sense of this scattered data, missed opportunities and a lack of strategic insights. At the speed of business, an effective data strategy is the key to unlocking your company's true potential.

July 10, 2023

From Business

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If you're having trouble finding employment or advancing in your career, a graduate degree may give you an edge in your career journey.

September 19, 2022

From Business

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Leaders provide stability in an unstable environment, inspire teams to achieve great things. Embrace values-based leadership to create a culture of trust in your organization from employees to shareholders, better decision-making,greater creativity and innovation.

August 26, 2022

From Business

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Business intelligence reporting is the process of transforming data into insights that add value to the business. It helps business leaders make data-driven decisions

May 30, 2022

From Business

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In my early 20's my first blog failed before it ever started.

September 19, 2021

From Business

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I built this first 20 hours time tracker to implement Josh Kaufman's principles.

July 17, 2018

From Business

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You might call this a rant. This gets in the face of the American fable: work hard, persevere, succeed. At first this new research was hard to swallow. But now, I’ve taken the time to ponder. Discomfort has subsided. Now I’m pissed.

June 6, 2018

From Business

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Data savvy managers use data for execution, putting insight into context to make things happen. Mckinsey predicts a shortfall in meeting the demand for 1.5 million data savvy managers. According to the American Management Association 75% of companies report they are ill-equipped to meet current analytics needs.

May 1, 2018

From Business

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We all have that person in our lives who seems to be connected to everyone. That person with the perfect elevator pitch. That person who knows how to work a room. That person who keeps winning friends and influencing people. That that person who never eats alone.

March 16, 2018

From Business

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Begin. With the humility of someone who's not sure, and the excitement of someone who knows that it's possible.

March 14, 2018

From Business

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A graph only exists to make a point. Its purpose is not to present all the information. Its purpose is not to be pretty. Most of all, its purpose is not, "well, they told me I needed to put a graph here."

March 9, 2018

From Business

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Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones -ish.

January 7, 2018

From Business

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How do I deal with one thing after another blowing up in my face?

December 17, 2017

From Business

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this post is intentionally disfigured in honor of Break the Internet. I'm annoyed that we have to continually fight this fight, but it just proves my point. Drip by drip.

December 12, 2017

From Business

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he more I read the more I feel I need to read. It can be discouraging. It is easier for you to digest if you break it down into chunks. Here are four to start ...

November 13, 2017

From Business

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What’s the difference between business intelligence and machine learning? Even if you google these terms it’s hard to find a good definition.

October 5, 2017

From Business

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You couldn't write this book ten years ago, because ten years ago, the economy wanted you to fit in. It took care of you . . . if you fit in.

October 4, 2017

From Business

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Every so often (when needed) I play hero. This feels like a hero moment. It's not.

July 25, 2017

From Business

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You might be leading a team, crafting the bullet points on your resume, making a recommendation on Facebook. What do you say to persuade others to take action? What do you say?

July 1, 2017

From Business

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Two friends returned to college for their 25th reunion. They are still very much alike, but there is one big difference between them.

June 12, 2017

From Business

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If you remove the top ten percent of a power curve you are left with . . . a power curve.

June 5, 2017

From Business

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8 Lessons Leaned When I Lost My Job Because I Made A Huge Mistake.

April 8, 2017

From Business

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We assume society is homogenous because pop culture places so much emphasis on the individual. But it’s not!

February 11, 2017

From Business

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Become a catalyst for change. Others might be intimidated by new knowledge, fear what they don’t understand. But we can calm those fears and discover new understanding because we are willing to soak it in. Because we crave discovery. Think into the deep.

August 2, 2015

From Business

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Video games, said Burton, is where kids are going to absorb the myths of our culture. The old model of creating books from trees is not sustainable. He urges the audience to embrace digital media. He speaks about the power of visual media and the power of video games. Moving pictures and sounds can tell a story on multiple levels, conscious and unconscious.

May 16, 2015

From Business

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The cure is appropriate planning, tempered by marginal analysis of the trade off between planning and execution; ering on over-communication with a clear communication plan . . .

September 1, 2014

From Business

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Attempts at controlling extreme risk should come with a warning, here be dragons.

October 24, 2011

From Business

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Projects fail, not people. When I get a project I am relentless about making things happen. It is hard (but necessary) to admit when things aren’t happening; no one wants to drown a puppy. That is what it feels like some times.

May 13, 2011

From Business

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So you can’t look at that as a thousand machines, but instead look at thousand machines as a single computer. I look at a data center as a computer.

May 12, 2011

From Business

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Good ideas rarely emerge fully formed; rather they evolve in a discursive and unpredictable fashion. ‘Little Bets’ advises on the value of taking small exploratory steps from which, as the book’s subtitle has it, breakthrough ideas emerge.

April 28, 2011

From Business

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It is days like today that I know I love being in the game.

November 10, 2010

From Business

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My thoughts and feelings on domestic policy relating to the underpinnings of republican economic thought and the quantitative support for policy decisions.

August 1, 2009

From Business

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The BI Triangle has the power to turn ordinary ideas into great fortune. A business can have both a spiritual and a business mission to be successful. There are many people with great ideas, but few people with great fortune.

November 1, 2007

From Business

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What do you do for a living? Here are some examples answers from a life coach.

August 8, 2007

From Business

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Ten Reasons to Become a Coach. Imagine getting up in the morning excited about the day ahead. You have some quiet time and go out for a run on the beach. After breakfast, . . .

August 8, 2007

From Business

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The Golden Rule of Life Coaching: Coach 50 People

August 7, 2007