Biannual Bibliothon 2017 Blogger Book Tag<!-- --> | <!-- -->Assume Wisely
Biannual Bibliothon 2017 Blogger Book Tag

Biannual Bibliothon 2017 Blogger Book Tag

Posted: July 23, 2017

1. What are you planning to read for the Summer Biannual Bibliothon?

2. What is your favorite genre to read in Summer?

Most of what I read could be pejoratively labeled, " the gospel of success". I like business non-fiction.

3.Where is your favorite place to read in the summer?

I prefer reading paperbacks by the pool or at the beach.

4.What is your favorite challenge done in the Summer Biannual Bibliothon?

Exercising my first amendment right to read a banned book.

5.What fictional character would you hang out in the summer if you could?

Come back to me on this one.

6.What are your plans for summer?

Going to N.Y.C. & D.C.

7.Do you have summer reading playlist,If not what would be on it?

I am re-reading my list of best business book ever for working professionals.

8.What is your favorite summer movie?

Live Free or Die Hard. The helicopter scene is the best!

9.What book do you read every summer,if not what thing do you do every summer?

B.B.Q. I smoke meat.

10.What other book tags are you planning to do this summer?


5.What fictional character(s) would you hang out in the summer if you could?

That is a hard one. I don’t read a lot of fiction so the list of potentials is literally, Harry Potter, & The Hunger Games. I am going to go with the small group of people who know what Covfefe’ means.

Git Sum (un)common sense,

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